About Us

The Jack’s Publishing Culture

Jack’s Publishing is a Christian-based publishing company located in Dallas, Tx. Founded by Noah Lnuks, an entrepreneur and follower of Christ who believes the world can be enhanced by the positive literature and products released by his company. Jack’s Publishing has a special interest in Christianity (urban in particular), positive information, self-help, and anything that will inspire people to live a better life. By staying interactive with the community Jack’s Publishing promotes an open conversation and seeks to be a breath of fresh air to all who allow us to be a part of their lives. We at Jack’s Publishing want to give you a special thanks for your business and welcome you to our culture.

Our Company Colors

Always on a never-ending quest to have the most informed customers we delight in the Biblical significance of our company colors and sharing why we chose them with you.

Red, Scarlet, or Crimson:

The blood of Jesus and the atonement for sin. Being a company that is on a mission to attract sinners and those in need of the atonement that the sacrifice Jesus made for all mankind, this color is without a doubt essential for our theme.


Joy, faith, anointing, and the Glory of God. We need all of this so badly in our daily lives to reflect in everything we do it makes us happy to reflect it in everything Jack’s Publishing does.


Royalty. Jack’s Publishing wants all who believe in Christ to know that they are considered royalty by their Father in heaven and when people see this color associated with our company it is hoped to be a reminder that we must comport ourselves as such.